The Durham Dales Federation is a federation of small rural primary schools, which was formed in September 2023. Staff from all schools work together to share expertise and to plan and deliver the curriculum. Our subject leaders co-ordinate their subjects across all the schools within our federation, which ensures that we can offer the same high-quality experiences to all pupils in our schools.
The Upper Dales schools of Wearhead and St John’s Chapel work together on a regular basis each week. At the start of the week, each school works in their own building and on Thursdays and Fridays, the schools come together on the St John’s Chapel Primary School site. On Federation days, we take advantage of the opportunities to work in larger groups with other children of the same age, and we often arrange visits and visitors for these days so that everyone can participate.
Hamsterley Primary School This afternoon in Jigsaw (PSHE), KS1 were set the goal of making a jam sandwich. They needed to follow different steps and try different things in order to achieve the end goal.
View this PostHamsterley Primary School Today in Class 2, the children used their knowledge of Inuit Art to carve a soap sculpture in the shape of an Arctic animal.
View this PostSt John's Chapel & Wearhead This term, the children in year 5 & 6 are learning about electricity. This morning, the children learnt what the different circuit symbols are.
View this PostSt John's Chapel and Wearhead Well done to this week's special certificate winners!
View this PostHamsterley Primary School Tonight, in cookery club, Class 1 have made Scottish oat cakes
View this PostHamsterley Primary School In computing, EYFS had lots of fun tinkering with computing equipment. We have learnt new vocabulary such as 'motherboard' and 'usb'. This helped with our fine motor skills by using the screwdriver to look inside the equipment. We then used the magnifying glasses to get a closer look. Great job reception
View this PostWearhead Primary School Today the children in Class 2 used soap carving skills to create a sculpture of an Arctic animal, in the style of the Inuit indigenous people. The photos of their final outcomes will be published next week when all are complete but here is a taster of what they were doing.
View this PostSt John's Chapel Primary In Art this afternoon, Class 1 used hard and soft pencils to make different lines and shapes
View this PostSt John's Chapel Primary Class 1 have had a busy Forest School afternoon! We used natural resources to create our own weather symbol art, before toasting marshmallows on the fire to make s'mores
View this PostSt John's Chapel Primary In English, KS1 worked in pairs to identify the features of a postcard
View this PostHamsterley Primary School In Forest School, Class 2 stocked up the squirrel feed box that will help us record any sightings of red squirrels. Then we took part in our own 'Big Garden Birdwatch'. We searched our school garden areas to watch and record which birds are in our ground. We saw lots of wood pigeons
View this PostWearhead Primary School In our Forest School session this afternoon, we played 'Jailbreak' then class 1 created weather symbols linked to their art lessons while class 2 created polar animals to link with their 'Frozen Kingdoms' topic. Afterwards, we had hot chocolate and biscuits.
View this PostIn KS1, we are learning about landmarks as part of our new topic 'Bright Lights, Big City'. This morning, we visited a local landmark, the Town Hall. We looked at plaques, photographs and used the internet to research the history of the building. We talked about how it provides a service for the community and the different things it is used for
View this PostHamsterley Primary School Well done to all of the star award winners!
View this PostSt John's Chapel Primary This morning, the EYFS children have been outside exploring the snow and ice. We had lots of fun stomping through the crunchy snow and saw some long, slippery icicles We even spotted some animal tracks in the snow! We talked about how they are different to our footprints and guessed what animals they were from.
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